We made it all the way out to Moab, UT on our little trip and the first morning there I decided to wake up early and head into the National Parks to get some sunrise shots. At the last minute I decided to go to the very popular Mesa Arch in Canyonlands because it was Friday and the only other sunrise I had there would have been Saturday and I knew that it would be extremely busy especially on Saturday. I quietly left the camper making sure not to make any noise and jumped into our trusty Jeep. The moon was gone and the only light came from the stars as I sped through the hills and canyons on the 30+ mile drive out to Canyonlands.

After I had entered the park and self-registered, the terrain became more treacherous and I had to ease off on the gas pedal a little. As I entered the really twisty section at the very peak of Island in the Sky I was surprised to see a small vehicle very quickly coming up behind me. Both of us sped through the mountains in a crazy dance of acceleration and deceleration through straightaways and switchbacks. The car behind me was gaining on me at every corner and I couldn’t stay ahead. It was pretty intense and I was kinda worn out at the end. Eventually we got to the trail head and I find out that it’s a German couple in a sporty little hatchback.

There were already 10 or so cars in the parking lot but everyone looked sleepy and unprepared so I figure I have a good chance of running down the trail to get a decent spot. Everyone seemed to go left at the fork in the round-a-bout loop so I went right and quickly got to the Arch. I was there 3rd and set my tripod up next to the others and got ready to wait for sunrise. Unfortunately there was considerable smoke from fires in Idaho but that didn’t hamper our anticipation or excitement much. As we waited I struck up conversations with the others but it’s strange how hushed everyone is as if a normal speech volume would disturb the sunrise. In the end it cleared pretty well and the view was spectacular. You really have to see this one large. I hope you enjoy.