Coastal Adventures

    Guiding Light – Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, Cape Hatteras, Outer Banks, NC

    I just returned from a much needed 10 day long trip to the Outer Banks.  Tommy White and I kicked off the trip with our highly anticipated Mountains to Sea Workshops OBX Workshop with guest instructor Athena Carey.  It was a blast and our group explored ancient lighthouses, dilapidated piers and marsh and dune scenes under some fantastic light. […]

    By |July 30th, 2015|astrophotography, Coast, Landscapes, Nature|0 Comments

      “Bathed in Light” – Lincove Viaduct – Blue Ridge Parkway NC

      Right near Blowing Rock, NC is a winding curvy section of the Blue Ridge Parkway that juts right out the side of the mountain for a short section as a viaduct.  This is one of our favorite spots on the Blue Ridge Parkway or BRP for short.

      Up on top of Rough Ridge you get […]

      By |May 8th, 2015|Landscapes, Mountains|0 Comments

        “Character” – A lone tree at Bulls Island

        “Character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.”
        Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
        Last week I headed out to Bulls Island with a group to capture some stars.  Unfortunately the skies were very very cloudy and I only saw one star. Never fear there is always sunrise and more to work with.  For the daylight […]

        By |April 28th, 2015|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature, Seascapes, Storms|0 Comments

          A New Dawn – Marsh Grass, Charleston, SC

          By |April 23rd, 2015|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature, Seascapes|0 Comments

            Bulls Island Expedition

            On days like this when the rest of the world is bracing for the onslaught of winter weather, I relish the warmth of the coast and the remote islands around the low country. This island, Bulls Island is 5,000 acres of dense maritime forest, miles of hiking trails and fresh water ponds teeming with […]

            By |February 16th, 2015|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature, Seascapes, Workshops|0 Comments

              This Way to A Mental Reset

              I captured this a few days ago as I ventured out onto the beach in search of solitude. There is nothing finer than a stroll on the beach to let the mind relax. There is something about the beach that allows you to let go of everything else and clear the mind.  It is […]

              By |February 3rd, 2015|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature|0 Comments

                The Lone Survivor – Folly Beach, SC

                At the far end of Folly Beach, far from the crowds, hotels and restaurants, this lone survivor stands resolute against the tidal onslaught.  How long it will stand is anyone’s guess.  I have visited on several occasions and cherished each moment.  After my visit I say goodbye, believing that very well could be the last time […]

                By |January 27th, 2015|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Seascapes|0 Comments

                  Searching – A sescape from Newport Rhode Island

                  “I’ve spent half my life searching for the truth.  The left half of my life” – Jarod Kintz

                  I’ve always been enamored with long exposure seascapes.  The juxtaposition of solid immovable rock in high clarity and soft dreamy flowing water is amazing.  Add an interesting sky and it really can all come together perfectly.  I […]

                  By |January 21st, 2015|Coast, Landscapes, Seascapes|0 Comments

                    Happy New Year!

                    So I’m a little late wishing you all a Happy New Year. Sorry about that, I’ve been out of commission with the flu since Christmas. In fact my whole family has had it and it’s been awful.  We are all on the mend now, but it’s seriously taken its toll.  We had hoped for […]

                    By |January 14th, 2015|astrophotography, Landscapes, Star|0 Comments

                      Washed Away – Bulls Island

                      A few weeks ago I found myself riding in the back of a government owned pickup truck leading a group on a sledge, safari style through the maritime jungles of Bulls Island. We were hunting dark skies and had arrived early to see the wildlife and capture sunset in the boneyard. The amount of […]

                      By |December 19th, 2014|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature, Workshops|0 Comments