I received a call yesterday from a local boat dealer who was at Troubadours Coffee House enjoying a coffee with his son, when his son said, “Hey Dad, isn’t that your boat?”. Sure enough this image which is on the wall is of him and his boat. He also was part of the shipbuilding crew who built the Spirit of South Carolina which is up next to this piece.

Even though you can’t see it in this picture there were lots of boats on the water all trying to get a glimpse of the HMS Bounty and the Pirates who walked the deck, from which I took this photo. This gentleman was deftly navigating between and around all the other boats relishing the strong wind. I was amazed at how effortless it looked and that he was alone at the tiller was even more amazing. Apparently these J100 boats really are that easy to sail and are designed specifically for one person.

The boat owner sent this image up to the owner of Jboats who is based in Newport, RI who may use it for some marketing purpose.

Sometimes the world can feel so small.