Coastal Adventures

    Winter Workshop – Boone, NC

    Is there anything better than great light and a snow covered scene.  Maybe a little fog in the valley and mist all around. 🙂

    The above shot was captured on the last day of the Mountains to Sea Workshops Winter Workshop in Boone North Carolina.

    The entire week before I carefully watched the weather and I was psyched […]

    By |March 11th, 2015|Mountains, Workshops|0 Comments

      Bulls Island Expedition

      On days like this when the rest of the world is bracing for the onslaught of winter weather, I relish the warmth of the coast and the remote islands around the low country. This island, Bulls Island is 5,000 acres of dense maritime forest, miles of hiking trails and fresh water ponds teeming with […]

      By |February 16th, 2015|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature, Seascapes, Workshops|0 Comments

        Washed Away – Bulls Island

        A few weeks ago I found myself riding in the back of a government owned pickup truck leading a group on a sledge, safari style through the maritime jungles of Bulls Island. We were hunting dark skies and had arrived early to see the wildlife and capture sunset in the boneyard. The amount of […]

        By |December 19th, 2014|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Nature, Workshops|0 Comments

          Iridescence – Tremont, GSMNP

          On our last day during the Mountains to Sea Workshop around the Great Smoky Mountains, we headed to Cades Cove to hunt bears and some gorgeous light. We got lucky catching lots of animals and several bears. There was tons of gorgeous light spilling into the valley as well.

          After an excellent morning […]

          By |September 6th, 2014|Landscapes, Mountains, Nature, Workshops|0 Comments

            Star Gazer

            A self portrait captured over Price Lake off the Blue Ridge Parkway. I was whipped after a very long day leading a class, but conditions were so perfect I had to check out this spot. It was the perfect place to relax and unwind.

            By |September 1st, 2014|Landscapes, Mountains, Star, Workshops|0 Comments

              Smoky Mountain Gold

              It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve returned from the Smoky Mountains. It was my first trip to Gatlinburg, and I’m really glad that we travel early and late. That place is a zoo. Traffic is insane. It probably didn’t help that we went there during one of the […]

              By |August 29th, 2014|Landscapes, Mountains, Workshops|0 Comments

                Green Meteor Over Price Lake

                I just got back from Boone where we held our Mountain Astrophotography Workshop. Despite cloudy and rainy forecasts our group stuck it out and where richely rewarded with almost totally clear skies for several hours on Saturday night. We had a blast capturing the stars and playing with different compositions and light. […]

                By |August 26th, 2014|Landscapes, Mountains, Nature, Workshops|0 Comments

                  Schoolhouse Falls, Panthertown Valley

                  This spring our waterfall crew hiked down in the darkness to this little gem at the bottom of a ravine. Tommy and I had scouted it a couple of days prior and discovered a fantastic campsite nearby. Some folks were making the most of the campsite and we later discovered they had just gone […]

                  By |June 9th, 2014|Landscapes, Mountains, Workshops|0 Comments


                    A few weeks back I had the distinct pleasure of taking a client to Botany Bay for a stormy sunrise. We had a blast negotiating the trees and surf and geting wet capturing really moody images. I’ve been so busy that I barely have had time to look through these images and […]

                    By |May 22nd, 2014|Charleston, Coast, Landscapes, Seascapes, Workshops|0 Comments

                      Stark, Smooth Blues & Heaven Above – Private Workshop Charleston SC

                      On Thursday evening and Friday morning I had the distinct pleasure of taking a client and new friend Tricia Booker out to photograph some of my favorite locations in and around Charleston.  We started off with a light dinner and discussion on filters and long exposures at one of Sullivan’s Island’s hot spots.  After […]

                      By |April 26th, 2014|Charleston, Coast, Seascapes, Workshops|0 Comments